Course Structure of BS Economics
Semester 1
Course Code Course Name Subject Category 33 Credits
CH 111 Chemistry Basic Sciences and Mathematics 8
CS 101 Computer Programming Engineering Sciences and skills 6
MA 105 Calculus Basic Sciences and Mathematics 8
PH 117 Physics Lab Basic Sciences and Mathematics 3
MS 101 Makerspace Engineering Sciences and Skills 8
NOCS 01 NCC/NSS/NSO Non - Credited compulsory Courses
GC 101 Gender Sensitization Course Non - Credited compulsory Courses
TA 101 Teaching Assistant Skill Enhancement & Training Non - Credited compulsory Courses (TASET)
Semester 2
Course Code Course Name Subject Category 33 Credits
EC 101 Economics Economics - Department Core 6
MA 110 Linear Algebra and Differential Equations Basic Sciences and Mathematics 8
PH 110 Introduction to Classical and Quantum Physics Basic Sciences and Mathematics 8
CH 117 Chemistry Lab Basic Sciences and Mathematics 3
NOCS02 NCC/NSS/NSO Non - Credited compulsory Courses
Semester 3
Course Code Course Name Subject Category 36 Credits
MM 225 AI and Data Science Engineering Sciences and Skills 6
EC 221 Intermediate Microeconomics I Economics - Department Core 6
EC 223 Intermediate Macroeconomics I Economics - Department Core 6
EC 225 Mathematics for Economics Economics - Department Core 6
EC 227 Statistics I Economics - Department Core 6
HS 250 + ES 250 Environmental Studies Non - Credited Compulsory Courses 6
Semester 4
Course Code Course Name Subject Category 36 Credits
DE 109 Design Thinking HASMED Core 6
EC 214 Statistics II Economics - Department Core 6
EC 210 Intermediate Microeconomics II Economics - Department Core 6
EC 212 Intermediate Macroeconomics II Economics - Department Core 6
Flexible Elective 1 Flexible Elective 1 Elective 6
STEM Elective 1 STEM Elective 1 Elective 6
Semester 5
Course Code Course Name Subject Category 39 Credits
EC 402 Game Theory Economics - Department Core 6
EC 311 International Economics I Economics - Department Core 6
EC 306 Econometrics I Economics - Department Core 6
EC 308 Econometrics Lab I Economics - Department Core 3
EC 313 Development Economics I Economics - Department Core 6
Flexible Elective 2 Flexible Elective 2 Elective 6
HASMED Elective 1 HASMED Elective 1 Elective 1 6
Honours Courses (Economics)
Course Code Course Name Subject Category 6 Credits
EC *** Honours Elective 1 Honours Elective 1 6
Semester 6
Course Code Course Name Subject Category 39 Credits
EC 411 Indian Economy Economics - Department Core 6
EC 302 International Economics II Economics - Department Core 6
EC 405 Econometrics II Economics - Department Core 6
EC 407 Econometrics Lab II Economics - Department Core 3
EC XXX Department Elective I Economics - Elective 6
Flexible Elective 3 Flexible Elective 3 Elective 6
HASMED Elective 2 HASMED Elective 2 Elective 1 6
Honours Courses (Economics)
Course Code Course Name Subject Category 6 Credits
EC *** Honours Elective 2 Honours Elective 6
Semester 7
Course Code Course Name Subject Category 24 Credits
EC xxx Department Elective 2 Economics - Elective 6
EC 495 BS Project- Stage 1 Economics - Core 6
Flexible Elective 4 Flexible Elective 4 Elective 6
STEM Elective 2 STEM Elective 2 Elective 6
Honours Courses (Economics)
Course Code Course Name Subject Category 6 Credits
EC *** Honours Elective 3 Honours Elective 6
Semester 8
Course Code Course Name Subject Category 24 Credits
EC xxx Department Elective 3 Economics - Elective 6
EC 497 BS Project- Stage II Economics - Core 12
Flexible Elective 5 Flexible Elective 5 Elective 6
Honours Courses (Economics)
Course Code Course Name Subject Category 6 Credits
EC *** Honours Elective 4 Honours Elective 6

In summary
  • 4-years B.S (Econ.) : 264 Credits
  • 4-years B.S (Econ. Honours) : 288 Credits
  • 3-year B.A (Pass): 160 Credits [60% of 264 credits]
I. List of Department Core Courses
  1.  EC 221 - Intermediate Microeconomics I
  2.  EC 223 - Intermediate Macroeconomics I
  3.  EC 225 - Mathematics for Economics
  4.  EC 227 - Statistics I
  5.  EC 214 - Statistics II
  6.  EC 210 - Intermediate Microeconomics II
  7.  EC 212 - Intermediate Macroeconomics II
  8.  EC 402 - Game Theory
  9.  EC 311 - International Economics I
  10.  EC 306 - Econometrics I
  11.  EC 313 - Development Economics I
  12.  EC 411 - Indian Economy
  13.  EC 302 - International Economics II
  14.  EC 405 - Econometrics II
Department introductory course (DIC)
  1. EC 101 - Economics
List of Lab Courses
  1. EC 308 - Econometrics I Lab
  2. EC 407 - Econometrics II Lab

II. List of Honours Courses (Any FOUR from the List):
  1.  DH 304 - Economics of Healthcare
  2.  EC 216 - Money and Banking
  3.  EC 304 - Development Economics II
  4.  EC 310 - Corporate Investment
  5.  EC 315 - Public Finance
  6.  EC 401 - Behavioural Foundation of Decision Making
  7.  EC 416 - Energy Economics
  8.  EC 417 - Economics of Life
  9.  EC 426 - Theory and Policy of Managerial Finance
  10.  EC 439 - Health Economics
  11.  EC 440 - Industrial Economics
  12.  EC 452 - Economic Reforms in India
  13.  EC 457 - Managerial Economics
  14.  EC 606 - Environment Planning and Development
  15.  EC 610 - Cost Benefit Analysis
  16.  EC 611 - Financial Economics
  17.  EC 633 - Econometrics of Programme Evaluation
  18.  EC 700 - Applied Economics
  19.  EC 707 - Empirical Analysis of Corporate Governance
III. List of Department Elective Courses (Any THREE from the List):
  1.  EC 102 - History of Economic Analysis
  2.  EC 216 - Money and Banking
  3.  EC 310 - Corporate Investment
  4.  EC 315 - Public Finance
  5.  EC 401 - Behavioural Foundation of Decision Making
  6.  EC 403 - Decision Theory and Information Economics
  7.  EC 411 - Indian Economy
  8.  EC 416 - Energy Economics
  9.  EC 417 - Economics of Life
  10.  EC 426 - Theory and Policy of Managerial Finance
  11.  EC 440 - Industrial Economics
  12.  EC 452 - Economic Reforms in India
  13.  EC 457 - Managerial Economics
  14.  EC 487 - Planning and Economic Policies in India
  15.  EC 4106 - Philosophy of Economics
  16.  EC 604 - Growth Theory
  17.  EC 605 - Experimental Economics
  18.  EC 606 - Environment Planning and Development
  19.  EC 607 - Health Economics
  20.  EC 610 - Cost Benefit Analysis
  21.  EC 611 - Financial Economics
  22.  EC 633 - Econometrics of Programme Evaluation
  23.  EC 638 - Financial Econometrics
  24.  EC 700 - Applied Economics
  25.  EC 707 - Empirical Analysis of Corporate Governance
  26.  DH 304 - Economics of Healthcare
IV. List of Minor Courses:
  1.  EC 310 - Corporate Investment
  2.  EC 416 - Energy Economics
  3.  EC 417 - Economics of Life
  4.  EC 426 - Theory and Policy of Managerial Finance
  5.  EC 439 - Health Economics
  6.  EC 440 - Industrial Economics
  7.  EC 452 - Economic Reforms in India
  8.  EC 457 - Managerial Economics
  9.  EC 487 - Planning and Economic Policies in India
  10.  EC 4106 - Philosophy of Economics
  11.  EC 606 - Environment Planning and Development
  12.  EC 610 - Cost Benefit Analysis
  13.  EC 611 - Financial Economics
  14.  EC 700 - Applied Economics
  15.  DH 304 - Economics of Healthcare