- Post-doctoral from London school of economics and University of Gothenburg Sweden
- Ph.D. (Economics) – Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR) (Deemed University), Mumbai, India
- (Mathematics) – Regional Engineering College (Now NIT), Warangal, India
Research Interests:
- Energy and environmental economics
- Climate change
- Green Accounting
- Economics of Biodiversity
- QIMPRO Platinum standard Award in Environment, Awarded by the QIMPRO foundation
- Recipient of the START Young Scientist Award for the year 2001, for the paper' Carbon Sequestration in India: Potential and Incremental Costs', awarded by START (Global Change System for Analysis Research and Training), Washington D.C.
- The Ph.D. thesis "Environmental Accounting, Carbon Sequestration Potential and Policies for Carbon Mitigation in India". has been adjudged as the Second Best Contemporary Thesis of the year at the National Doctoral Consortium, Indian Institute of Sciences (IISC) Bangalore, November 24–26, 1998 and awarded the All India Management Association – Bangalore Management Association (AIMA-BMA) Trophy, a citation and a cash prize.
- Awarded Major Kriplani Medal and Merit scholarships for being the topper at Master of Science in Applied Mathematics, Regional Engineering College, Warangal, 1993.
- (2019), Food-energy-water Nexus Sustainability, part of the scheme for Society for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration (jointly with Yogendra Shastri) (completed)
- (2017), National communication on climate change, Impact of climate change on water resources: Impact and adaptation, Ministry of Environment and Forests (completed)
- (2016), Economic Valuation of Services provided by Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Sanjay Gandhi National Park (completed)
- (2014), Developing forest resource accounts for Himachal Pradesh, Project sponsored by World Bank (completed)
- (2013), Stochastic Life cycle impact assessment of algal biofuels and its impact on India (Jointly with. Yogendra Shastri of Chemical Engineering Department) as part of larger DBT-IIT Pan Centre for Bioenergy (completed)
- (2013), The economics of ecosystems and Biodiversity for the Western Ghats, Project funded by GIZ and MOEF, carried out in collaboration with Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore (completed)
- (2013), Development Policy Loan to support the feasibility of green sustainable development in Himachal Pradesh, Funded by World Bank (completed)
- (2012), Climate Financing in different States of India, Funding by Shakti Foundation and DFID, project jointly carried out with Institute for Financial Management Research (completed)
- (2011), Developing Green National Accounts for India, funded by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, (completed)
- (2011), Payment for Ecosystem Services: Feasibility Study for Lake Armenia, Project funded by UNOPS (completed)
- (2009), The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity, Phase I and II, Project funded by the United Nations Environment Programme (completed)
- (2008), The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity, Phase I, Project funded by the European Union (D.G. Environment and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (completed)
- (2005), Green Accounting for Indian States Project, funded by Green Indian States Trust (completed)
- (2004), Environmental Accounting of Land and Water Resources in Tamilnadu, Project awarded by the Central Statistical Organization, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, India (completed)
- (2004), Principal investigator of the project 'Can Market value water scarcity and quality in India – Analysis using Hedonic price method, (along with Vinish Kathuria), the project awarded by the South
Asian Network for Economic Institutes (SANEI) (completed),
- (2001), 'Industrial Pollution Control: Choosing the Right Option', (along with Dr Vinish Kathuria), a project awarded by the South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE) (completed).
- (2001), Fuelwood: Crisis or Balance? (with Gunnar Kohlin, University of Goteborg). Project Awarded by the Centre for International Forestry, Bogor, Indonesia to the University of Goteborg, Sweden (completed).
- Associate Editor, Ecology, Economy and Society, SAGE (2020-2022)
- Member of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Group for the compilation of Environmental Accounts in India under the World Bank Project – National Program for improving Quality of Statistics in India, MOSPI 2020-2024, Central Statistical Organisation, Government of India.
- Steering Committee Member, Promise of the Commons, Foundation for Ecological Security, 2020-2023
- Project Advisory Committee, "Measuring comprehensive wealth to promote inclusive and sustainable development, IISD, (2020-2022)
- ICLEI. INTERSACT-BIO Project. Advisory Board Member, (2018-2020)
- Member, expert group on Environmental Damage Assessment, 2019-20, Central Pollution Control Board
- Deputy Coordinator, IUFRO Division 9.04.05 Economics of Biodiversity and protected areas, International Union for Forest Research Organisations
- Coordinating Lead Author for the chapter "Scenarios and Modelling of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, Asia Pacific Regional Assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), IPBES work programmer II (2015-2018)
- Lead Author, IPBES Values Assessment (2018-2020)
- 2017), TEEB Agriculture and Food Complexes, Coordinating Lead Author for the Chapter on Valuation and Evaluation Framework
- Member, Expert Committee on Access to Benefit Sharing, National Biodiversity Authority India,( 2012-14).
- President International Urban Biodiversity Network (2014-2018)
- Member of the expert committee constituted by the Prime Minister on developing a framework for the green national accounts for India (2011-2013).
- Elected member of the Indian Society for Ecological Economics (INSEE) – Executive committee, 2010-2012, 2014-16
- Coordinator, Green National Accounting Cell, Set up by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation at IIT Bombay
- Policy and Technical Expert committee member of the WAVES project of the World Bank (2012-2016)
- Secretary General, Urban Biodiversity Network, 2012-14
- Advisory Board, Global Biodiversity Outlook II, Convention on Biodiversity. Montreal, 2012-13
- Principles of Economics
- Energy Economics
- Environmental Planning and Development
- Cost Benefit Analysis
- Advanced Economic Theory
- Applied Econometrics
- Computer Aided Applied Statistics
- Environmental Studies
- Issues in Economic Development
List of Selected Publications:
- Prantika Das, Haripriya Gundimeda (2022), Is biofuel expansion in developing countries reasonable? A review of empirical evidence of food and land use impacts, Journal of Cleaner Production, 372 (1): 133501.
- Aparajita. Singh, Gundimeda, H (2021), Analyzing drivers of efficiency in the leather industry: A twostage double bootstrap DEA approach", Benchmarking-An International Journal (2021)
- N. Lokhande and H. Gundimeda (2021), MGNREGA: The guaranteed refuge for returning migrants during COVID-19 lockdown in India, The Indian economic journal, Vol. 69, Issue 3 (accepted in 2020).
- Aparajita Singh and Haripriya Gundimeda (2021), Measuring technical efficiency and shadow price of water pollutants for the leather industry in India: a directional distance function approach Journal of Regulatory Economics, (ABDC journal rank A), volume 59(1)
- Aparajita Singh & Haripriya Gundimeda (2021) Impact of bad outputs and environmental regulation on the efficiency of Indian leather firms: a directional distance function approach, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, volume 64(8), Pages 1331-1351
- N.T. Neelakanta, Haripriya Gundimeda, Vinish Kathuria (2020). Environmental Governance and foreign direct investment to Indian states, IASSI quarterly, Vol 39 (4), October-December
- Stella Schons, Haripriya Gundimeda, Gregory Amacher, Kelly Cobourn, Randolph Wynne (2020) Can efficiency gains in the wood processing industry conserve forests in developing countries? The case of
the Andhra Pradesh forest products secto4,70(4),409-415, Forest Products Journal
- Aparajita Singh and Haripriya Gundimeda (2020), Why Regulations come up short? Some observations from a field study of the Kanpur Leather Industry, Ecology, Economy and Society - the
INSEE journal, 3(2), 185-90
- Dhanyashree Bhuvandas, Haripriya Gundimeda (2020), Welfare impacts of transport fuel price changes on Indian households: An application of LA-AIDS model, Energy Policy, volume 144,
September, 111583 (ABDC journal rank A)
- Jha, Rupak and Gundimeda, Haripriya. (2019). An integrated assessment of vulnerability to floods using composite index – A district level analysis for Bihar, India. International Journal of isaster Risk Reduction. 35. 101074 (ABDC journal rank A).
- Rajarshi DasGupta, Shizuka Hashimoto, Haripriya Gundimeda. Biodiversity/ecosystem services scenario exercises from the Asia–Pacific: typology, archetypes and implications for sustainable development goals (SDGs). Sustainability Science 2019, 14 (1) , 241-257. DOI: 10.1007/s11625-018-0647-1. (scimago ranked journal Q1)
- Sitas, N., Harmáčková, Z. V., Anticamara, J. A., Arneth, A., Badola, R., Biggs, R., Haripriya Gundimeda… Valle, M. (2019). Exploring the usefulness of scenario archetypes in science-policy processes: experience across IPBES assessments. Ecology and Society, 24(3). doi:10.5751/es-11039-240335 (Scimago Rank Q1)
- Sandhu, H., Müller, A., Sukhdev, P., Merrigan, K., Tenkouano, A., Kumar, P., … Haripriya Gundimeda, ….. Weigelt, J. (2019). The future of agriculture and food: Evaluating the holistic costs and benefits. The Anthropocene Review, 6(3), 270–278. doi:10.1177/2053019619872808 (Scimago Rank Q1)
- Abraham, P. S., & Gundimeda, H. (2018). Greening offices: Willingness to pay for green-certified office spaces in Bengaluru, India. Environment, Development and Sustainability. doi:10.1007/s10668- 018-0265-1
- (2017) Gundimeda, Haripriya, "Urban Biodiversity, Ecosystems and Well-being," Cities and the Environment (CATE): Vol. 10: Iss. 1,Article 1.
- (2017) Abraham, P.S. and Gundimeda, Haripriya. Greening the Buildings – An analysis of barriers to adoption in India. Cities and the Environment, 10(1): 5
- (2017) T. Chakraborty, Haripriya Gundimeda, Vinish Kathuria (2017), Have the special economic zones succeeded in attracting FDI? – Analysis for India, Theoretical economics letters, Vol 7, No. 3
- (2016), Haripriya Gundimeda, How equitable and sustainable is the growth in India (invited paper), Special 100thissue, Sarvekshana, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Govt. of India.
- (2015), P. Dasgupta, A. Duraiappah, S. Managi, E. Barbier, R. Collins, B. Fraumeni, H. Gundimeda, G. Liu, K. J. Mumford, How to measure sustainable progress, Science, 13th November, Vol. 350, Issue (6262).
- (2015), Diaz, S., ... Gundimeda, H., .and others...The IPBES conceptual framework – Connecting nature and people, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 14, 1-16.
- (2015), Smita Badajena and Haripriya Gundimeda, Self Help Group - Bank Linkage Model and Financial Inclusion: Analysis for Indian states, The Microfinance Review, 8(1), January-June.pp. 50-65.
- (2014), Smita Badajena and Haripriya Gundimeda. Measurement of financial inclusion in India: An empirical study, The empirical economics letters, 13(8)
- (2014) Abraham, P. S., & Gundimeda, H. (2014). Barriers to the Deployment of Low Carbon Technologies: Case Study of Arun TM 160 Solar Concentrator for Industrial Process Heat. Low Carbon Economy, 5(03)
- (2014) P. Singh and Haripriya Gundimeda (2014). Life cycle energy analysis (LCEA) of cooking fuel sources used in Indian households. Energy and Environmental Engineering, 2(1), p. 20-30. DOI: 10.13189/eee.2014.020103.
- (2014) P. Singh, Haripriya Gundimeda and Stucki M (2014). Environmental footprint of cooking fuels: A life cycle assessment of 10 fuel sources used in Indian households. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 19(3), 1036-1048, Springer
- (2014) Neelakanta N. T, Haripriya Gundimeda, Vinish Kathuria (2014). Foreign Direct Investment, Pollution and Economic Growth in India: Testing using ARDL approach. The Empirical Economics Letters, Vol.13 (3) p 317-326
- (2013) Neelakanta N. T, Haripriya Gundimeda and Vinish Kathuria (2013). Role of environmental quality and FDI inflows to India.Review of Market integration, Sage publishers, 5 (3): 303-328
- (2012) Haripriya Gundimeda and P. Shyamsundar (2012). Forests, Sustainability and Poverty in India Environment and Development Economics, 17(3), 373-378.
- (2008) Gundimeda, H., & Howe, C. W. (2008). Interstate river conflicts: lessons from India and the US. Water International, 33(4), 395-405.
- (2008) Gundimeda, H., & Köhlin, G. Fuel demand elasticities for energy and environmental policies: Indian sample survey evidence. Energy Economics, 30(2), 517-546.
- (2007) Gundimeda, H., Sukhdev, P., Sinha, R. K., & Sanyal, S. (2007). Natural resource accounting for Indian states—illustrating the case of forest resources. Ecological Economics, 61(4), 635-649.
- (2006) Atkinson, G., & Gundimeda, H.. Accounting for India's forest wealth. Ecological Economics, 59(4), 462-476.
- (2005) Gundimeda, H. Can CPRs generate carbon credits without hurting the Poor?. Economic and Political weekly, 973-980.
- (2004) Gundimeda, H. Implications of the Clean Development Mechanism for the rural livelihoods. Forest Policy and Economics, 6(3-4), 329-343.
- (2003) Gundimeda, H., & Guo, Y.. Undertaking emission reduction projects: prototype carbon fund and clean development mechanism. Economic and Political Weekly, 4331-4337.
- (2003) Haripriya, G. S. Carbon budget of the Indian forest ecosystem. Climatic Change, 56(3), 291-319.
- (2002) Haripriya, G. S. Estimation of biomass from the truncated stand tables in India. Forest Ecology and Management, 168(1-3), 1-13.
- (2001) Gundimeda, H. A framework for assessing carbon flow in Indian wood products. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 3(3), 229-251.
- (2001) Haripriya, G. Managing forests in India to mitigate carbon. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 44(5), 701-720.
- (2001) Haripriya, G. S. Accounting for the forest resources in the national accounts in India. Environmental and Resource Economics, 19(1), 73-95.
- (2000) Gundimeda, H., Estimation of Biomass in Indian Forests. Biomass and Bioenergy, 19(4), 245-258.
- (2000) Haripriya, G. S.. Integrating forest resources into the system of national accounts in Maharashtra, India. Environment and Development Economics, 5(01), 143-156.
- (2001) Kathuria, V., & Gundimeda, H.. Industrial pollution control: need for flexibility. India Development Report, 140-156.
- (2000) Kathuria, V., & Haripriya, G. S.. Industrial pollution control: choosing the right option. Economic and Political Weekly, 3870-3878.
- (1998) Haripriya, G. S.. Forest resource accounting: Preliminary estimates for the State of Maharashtra. Development policy review, 16(2), 131-151.
- (1998) Haripriya, G. S., & Parikh, J. K.. Socioeconomic development and demand for timber products A Panel Data Analysis. Global Environmental Change, 8(3), 249-262.
- (1997), "Environmental Impact of Trade on Fisheries," Encology, Vol. 11, No.10, pp. 25-34 (with Sharma, V. K., Ghosh Upal)
Books and Monographs
- Heidi Wittmer and Haripriya Gundimeda (Eds.) (2012) The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity in local and regional policy and management, Routledge. (2007)
- Value of Educational Capital Formation in India, Monograph published under the Green Accounting for Indian States Project, TERI Press Haripriya Gundimeda et al. with Sanjeev Sanyal, Rajiv Sinha, Pavan Sukhdev)
- H. Gundimeda, S. Sanyal. R. Sinha, P. Sukhdev (2006) Accounting the biodiversity and bioprospecting value of forests in different Indian states, Monograph published under the Green Accounting for Indian States Project, TERI Press.
- H. Gundimeda, S. Sanyal. R. Sinha, P. Sukhdev (2005) Accounting for Impacts of Agriculture in the National Accounts, Monograph published under the Green Accounting for Indian States Project, TERI Press.
- H. Gundimeda, S. Sanyal. R. Sinha, P. Sukhdev (2005),` The Value of timber, carbon, fuelwood and nontimber forest products in India’s forests, Monograph published under the Green Accounting for Indian States Project, TERI Press (Haripriya Gundimeda, Sanjeev Sanyal, Rajiv Sinha, Pavan Sukhdev)..
Book Chapters
- Termansen, S, Jacobs, T H Mwampamba, S. Ahn, A. Castro, N. Dendocker, H. Ghazi, H. Gundimeda, et a;… (2022), The Potential of Valuation In the book Methodological Assessment Report on the Diverse Values and Valuation of Nature of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.
- D. Sharma and H. Gundimeda (forthcoming), Structural Efficiency of the Indian Petroleum industry: Restructuring Options for Indian National Oil Companies, Festschrift to be published on the occasion of Prof. Jyoti Parikh's 80th Birthday
- Karki, M, Davies, K, H. Gundimeda. L. Acosta et al (2021), Biodiversity, Climate Change and Economic Development in Asia Pacific Region in World Scientific Encyclopaedia of Climate Change,
pp. 171-186
- H. Gundimeda, G. Kadekodi, A. Singh (forthcoming), Environmental Sustainability of economic reforms in India, in Rajesh Raj and Komal Singha edited, in Handbook of Post-Reform Indian
economy, Routledge
- Jha, R. K., H. Gundimeda, and P. Andugula. 2020. Assessing the social vulnerability to floods in India: An application of Super Efficiency Data Envelopment Analysis and Spatial Autocorrelation to analyze Bihar floods. In Economic Effects of Natural Disasters, ed. Taha Chaiechi, Chapter 33. Cambridge, MA: Academic Press.
- Gundimeda, H., Markandya, A. and Bassi, A.M. (2018). TEEBAgriFood methodology: an overview of evaluation and valuation methods and tools. In TEEB for Agriculture & Food: Scientific and Economic
Foundations. Geneva: U.N. Environment. Chapter 7, 247-295
- (2018), Haripriya Gundimeda (forthcoming), Is economic growth linked with Comprehensive Wealth – Link to state-level analysis in India, in S, Managi (edited) Inclusive wealth report 2018 – Measuring Progress Towards Sustainability (publisher to be decided)
- (2018), Haripriya Gundimeda, Chapter on Natural Capital in "Green Economy Text book" edited by Fulai Sheng and Derek Eaton, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), (Publisher UNEP)
- (2018), Haripriya Gundimeda (forthcoming), Chapter on Natural Capital in “Green Economy Text book” edited by Fulai Sheng and Derek Eaton, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), (Publisher details soon) (2018) Haripriya Gundimeda, Anil Markandya, Andrea Bassi, chapter on “Valuation and Evaluation Methodologies” in Alexander Mueller (ed) “The economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity of the Agriculture Food Complexes”, United Nations Environment Programme,
- Haripriya Gundimeda (2017), Green National Accounting Framework for India: Summary of the Report of the Partha Dasgupta Committee Report, in P. Mukhopadhyay, N. Nawn, K. Das (edited), Global Change, Ecosystems, Sustainability: Theory, Methods and Practice, Sage Publishers
- Haripriya Gundimeda and Vinish Kathuria (2016), Economic value of water using hedonic price method, in Shanmugam and Kavi kumar (edited) “Environment and Development: Essays in Honour of Dr. U. Sankar, Sage publications India
- (2014) Haripriya Gundimeda and Giles Atkinson, "Forest Wealth of Nations," in Inclusive Wealth Report 2014 - Measuring Progress towards Sustainability. ed. UNU IHDP and UNEP, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 2014, pp.137-158,
- (2014) Haripriya Gundimeda, Forest Resources Accounting, in Handbook of Forest Resources Economics, edited by S. Kant and J. Alvalapatti, Routledge.
- Mohanram, M. Gundimeda, Haripriya, Kathuria, Vinish (2015), "Does Energy Intensity affect labour productivity in Indian firms? Preliminary estimates," Energy Security and Development. ed. Reddy, B,S. Ulgiati, Sergio, Springer Link. pp.293-306.
- Haripriya Gundimeda (2012), Payments for ecosystem services and conservation, in Wittmer and Gundimeda, The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity for local policy and management, Routledge,
- Salman Hussain, Heidi Wittmer, Augustin Berghoefer, Haripriya Gundimeda (2012), Conceptual frameworks for considering benefits of nature, in Wittmer and Gundimeda (2012), The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity for local policy and management, Routledge
- Haripriya Gundimeda (2011) “Strengthening indicators and accounting systems for natural capital” Chapter 3 in Ten Brink et al The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity for national and international policy making (Routledge)
- Reyers, B., Bidoglio, G., O'Farrell, P., Schutyser, F., Dhar, U., Gundimeda, H., Luisa Paracchini, M., Gomez Prieto, O. (2010). Measuring biophysical quantities and the use of indicators. The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity: Ecological and Economic Foundations in P. Kumar (edited) Routledge, London, 113-148.
- Hussain, S., & Gundimeda, H. (2010). Tools for valuation and appraisal of ecosystem services in policy making. The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity for local and regional policy management. Routledge London, 41-63
- Koparkar, S., & Haripriya, G. S. (1998). Some Aspects of Tribal Development: A Case Study of Dahanu Taluk, Maharashtra. Regional dimensions of the Indian economy, 315-330.
Guest Editor Of Journals:
- (2017) Guest Editor, Volume 10, Issue 1, Cities and Environment (along with Charles Nilon), Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and Urban Design, Digital Commons @LMU and LLS
- D. Sharma and H. Gundimeda (2021), Privatizing a profit-making national oil company in India: Exploring the rationale and challenges, in IAEE International conference (virtual), June 2021 (IAEEE conference proceedings)
- Gundimeda (2020), KP@85 Festischrift Conference (2020). Internalizing the four capitals into agriculture and food value chain – Application of TEEBAgrifood evaluation framework, 10th October,
- D. Sharma and H. Gundimeda (2020), Is vertical disintegration the future? A Boot-strap meta-frontier
approach to measuring efficiency in the upstream and downstream segment of the global oil and gas
industry, in North American Productivity workshop (virtual), Miami, USA, June 2020
- (2017), P. Das and Haripriya Gundimeda, Direct and indirect impact pathways of biofuels in
Developing Countries: A meta-analysis of literature evidence, Ninth Biennial Conference of Indian
Society for Ecological Economics, Paper to appear in conference Proceedings edited by Joy Elaman
and Nandan Nawn (2018), forthcoming in April (conference proceedings, ISBN to be assigned)
- (2017), D. Bhuvandas and Haripriya Gundimeda, Estimating the Transport fuel elasticity to
understand the impact of energy subsidy reform in India, A household level analysis. Ninth Biennial
Conference of Indian Society for Ecological Economics, Paper to appear in conference Proceedings
edited by Joy Elaman and Nandan Nawn (2018), forthcoming in April (conference proceedings, ISBN
to be assigned)
- (2017), Deepak Sharma and Haripriya Gundimeda, Market Structure and Performance of
Downstream Oil Industry: A Case study of Indian National Oil Companies, Conference on Meeting the
Energy Demand of Emerging Economies, Singapore, June 18 – 21 (IAEEE conference Proceedings),
- (2014), Estimating Human Capital for India, Third world KLEMS conference, held during 19th – 20th May 2014,Tokyo, Japan
- (2013), Integrating national accounts into environment – issues and challenges, at Asia Region workshop on Valuing and Accounting for the environment, 8th to 10th October, 2013, Bangkok, Thailand
- (2013), The valuation of ecosystems and biodiversity for climate change mitigation and adaptation in 2013 International Biodivercities Conference, City of Joondalup, Perth, Australia, 9 – 11 September
- (2013), “ Ecoproductive Cities”, at Auroville Green Practices Conference, 6th to 7th September, 2013, Auroville, Pondicherry (Key note speech)
- (2012),”How green is our Growth – Analysis for Indian States?”, at the International Society for Ecological Economics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 16th – 18th
- (2012),“Achieving environmental sustainability – India’s experience”, at 4th OECD World Forum "Measuring Well-Being for Development and Policy Making", 18th – 20th October, 2012, New Delhi
- (2012),Environmental dependence for subsistence: analysis for Indian states, The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity conference, Leipzig, Germany 19th to 22nd,March, 2012
- (2012), ”Urban biodiversity and importance of valuation”, 1st biennial congress on urban green spaces, march 6th – 8th, 2012., New Delhi
- (2012), “Environmental Income of the Poor: An analysis for Indian states” at 48th Annual conference of the Indian Econometric Association” during 1st to 3rd March, 2012. Pondicherry
- (2011), “GDP of the poor”, Green economy conference, ICIMOD, Kathmandu, September 6th – 8th, 2011
- (2011) “Valuation of biodiversity: issues at the local and global level” at the 13th International association of the study of common property resources conference, Hyderabad during 10th - 14th January, 2011
- (2011), How sustainable is India’s growth, at the 22nd biannual research and training workshop, (June 27th to June 30th), Negombo, SriLanka, Plenary talk
- (2010), Payments for ecosystem services – Towards an implementation strategy the workshop on International Academy for Nature Conservation held by the German Federal Agency, 13th to 16th December, 2010 at Isle of Vilm (Invited speaker)
- (2010), Paper on “From macro sustainability to micro sustainability”, SANDEE@10 conference, held at Kathmandu, 6th to 7th December, 2010, Nepal.
- (2010), TEEB as Concepts and Tools for Assessing and Valuing Ecosystem Services”, 2nd International Conference on Urban Biodiversity and Design” held at Nagoya, Japan from 18th to 22nd, 2010.
- (2010), “How ecosystems and biodiversity can alleviate poverty” at Conference on “The environments of the poor in the context of climate change and the green economy”. Organized by the Asian Development Bank, New Delhi, 24th November, 2010
- (2009), The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity, ASEAN Conference on Biodiversity, 21st to 23rd October, 2009, Singapore (Invited speaker)
- (2008) “Estimating the value of educational capital formation in India at the 44th Indian econometric Society conference held at Hyderabad Central University during 3rd to 5th January, 2008.
- (2008) - Invited paper on Precision in the assessment of carbon sequestration and leakages in Forestry Activities and Developing Comprehensive Carbon Accounting Models incorporating non-CO2 greenhouse gases, at “International Conference on "Scope of Production Forestry and Climate Change Mitigation in India" held during 17-18 January, Jaipur, Rajasthan
- (2008), Bioprospecting Value of Indian forests (with Sukhdev et al), Sixteenth EAERE conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, 25th to 29th June.
- (2006), Can Pollution from small scale Industries be controlled (with Vinish Kathuria), Third World Congress of Resource and Environmental Economics, held in Kyoto, 3rd to 7th July.
- (2005), Policy instruments for pollution control from an industrial estate dominated by SSIs? (with Vinish Kathuria), fifth international conference on models and methods in economics, held at ISI Kolkatta, December 28-30.
- (2005), Estimation of economic value of water scarcity and quality in India – An analysis using hedonic approach (jointly with Vinish Kathuria), 14th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists held at Bremen, Germany (during 24th – 26th June).
- (2005), Accounting for India’s forest wealth (jointly with Giles Atkinson), 14th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists held at Bremen, Germany (during 24th – 26th June).
- (2005), Accounting for timber, nontimber forest products and carbon of India’s forests in national accounts (jointly with S. Sanyal. R. Sinha, P. Sukhdev), in a session on Green Accounting, at the Delhi Sustainable Development Summit, February 3 – 5, 2005, New Delhi.
- (2005) Estimation of economic value of water scarcity and quality in Chennai – analysis using hedonic approach (jointly with Vinish Kathuria), 3rd International conference on Model and methods in economics, held at Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkatta, December 8th – 11th.
- (2004) Can CPRs generate carbon credits without hurting the poor? – Evidence from India, X biennial conference of International Association for the study of common property resources (IASCP), held at Oaxaca, Mexico during 8th to 11th August 2004.
- (2004) How ‘sustainable’ is the sustainable development objective of CDM in India? International Conference on Economics of sustainable forest management, University of Toronto (held during 22nd – 24th May 2004)
- (2003), Fuel demand elasticities for energy and environment policy (jointly with Gunnar Köhlin), 2nd International conference on Model and methods in economics, held at Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkatta, January 15th – 17th.
- (2003) “Resilient sustainable livelihood system vs. carbon for Kyoto: Can we make both ends meet? – A micro analysis for India, XII World Forestry Congress to be held in Quebec, September 21 to 28th.
- (2003) Can Rural poor benefit from CDM? Analysis in India", Paper presented at the 12th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists held at Bilbao, Spain (during 28th – 30th June, 2003).
- (2000) Opportunities for Clean Development Mechanism in Indian forest sector and its socioeconomic implications (jointly with Vinish Kathuria), second South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE) at Kathmandu during 21st to 24th September.
- (2000) ‘Industrial Pollution Control: Choosing the correct option (jointly with Vinish Kathuria), second South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE) at Kathmandu during 21st to 24th September.
- (2000) Accounting for carbon in the national accounting framework of India, 2nd Beijer Teaching Workshop held in Kathmandu, Nepal, during 18- 20 September.
- (1999)- Accounting for Forest Resources in the National Accounting framework of India, Ninth Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Oslo, 25 – 27 June 1999.
- (1999) Value of carbon stock in Indian forests (with J. K. Parikh), First Biennial Conference of the Indian Society for Ecological Economics, Bangalore, December 20 - 22, 1999.
- (1998) - Integrating Forest Accounts into the System of National Accounts in India (jointly with Jyoti Parikh), Fifth Biennial meeting of the International Society for Ecological Economics, November 16–19, Santiago, Chile.
- (1998) Carbon Storage in India’s Wood Products, International Conference on Tropical forests and Climate change, October 19–22, Manila, Philippines.
- 1998) Forest Resource Accounting for the State of Maharashtra, India, First World Congress of Resource and Environmental Economics at Venice, organized by FEEM, Italy from June 24–27.
- (1998) Environmental Accounting, Carbon Sequestration Potential and Policies for Sustainable Management of Forests”, National Doctoral Consortium of Management, at Indian Institute of Sciences (IISC), Bangalore, November 24–26.
- (1997) Socio-economic Conditions and Demand for Timber Products: A Panel Data Analysis”, (with J. K. Parikh), India and Southeast Asia Meeting of the Econometric Society, Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi, December 16–18.
- (1997) Some Schemes of Development for Dahanu Taluka, Maharashtra" (with Sagar V. Koparkar), National Seminar on "The Imbalances in Regional Development", DSA Centre for Regional Economic Studies, Jadavpur University, Calcutta, March 21–23.
Invited Key Note speeches
- (2014), Forest Wealth of Nations, in Natural Capital for Inclusive Growth: Options and Tools for South Asia A Policy Dialogue for Senior Policy Makers, Kolkatta, 17th to 19th December.
- (2015), Keynote speaker on How sustainable is the growth in Indian states, at UGC sponsored National Seminar on Greening Indian Economy – Issues, challenges and opportunities, 27th to 28th March, Utkal University
- (2013), Invited speaker on “The relevance of TEEB to policy making”, at the workshop on the challenges and strategies to valuing the world’s ecosystems at the Bellagio Center in Lombardy, November 4th - November 8th
- (2013), Opening plenary address on “Regional Environmental Cooperation in South Asia” at the Second south Asian Judges round table on environmental Justice, 29th to 30th August, Taj Tashi Hotel, Thimpu, Bhutan
- (2013), Human Capital Estimation, Engagement workshop on Inclusive wealth report, 29th to 30th August, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris.
- (2012), “How can valuation help biodiversity conservation”, 5th Sino German Workshop on The Biodiversity Conservation 17th – 19th July, Lanzhou, China (Invited speaker)
- (2011), United Nations Committee of Experts on Environmental Accounting, London, 4th to 6th December (invited speaker)
- (2011), TEEB for local and regional policy management, National workshop of “The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity” organised by the EU-China Biodiversity Programme and the Foreign Economic Cooperation office, Ministry of Environmental protection of China, Beijing, 10th March (Invited speaker)
- (2011), Biodiversity, food security and energy nexus: perspectives from TEEB, Invited Panelist at the Food Security and Energy Nexus, Bonn conference, December 16th – 18th, 2011 (Invited speaker by the German Government)
- (2011) Relevance of TEEB for south Asia, GIZ SNRD Asia– Sector Network Natural Resources and Rural Development Asia “Innovative Partnerships–success through diversity”, Thailand, Bangkok, 3rd March, 2011 (Invited speaker)
- (2011), Taking account of nature – experiences from countries, Sixteenth Poverty Environment Partnership conference (PEP 16) held during 16 - 18 February 2011 in Vienna, Austria (Invited speaker)
- (2010), Capturing the values of nature, Workshop on Innovative Financial Mechanisms held in Bonn, Germany, from 27 - 29 January
- (2010), Valuation of for ecosystem services management, Third Sino-German workshop on “Biodiversity Conservation– Ecosystem Services and Management ”from 21st to 24thJune, 2010 in Beijing China
- (2009). GDP of the poor, Fourth workshop of the United Nations Committee on Environmental-Economic Accounting (UNCEEA), New York, 24-26 June 2009
- (2009) Valuing Biodiversity – why is it important? Global Tiger Initiative workshop, held in Kathmandu from 27 - 30 October.
- (2009) How to classify ecosystem services – TEEB perspective, “Second International Expert workshop on Classification of Ecosystem Services” and the “Special meeting on ecosystem capital accounting”, held during 2nd to 4th December, at EEA Premises in Copenhagen
- M. Mohan Ram – Energy Intensity and Productivity of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in India (graduated in the year 2014)
- Neelakanta N. T – Foreign Direct Investment, Growth and Environment – testing for the relationship in Indian context (defended in 2014)
- Punam Singh – Project Scale Sustainability Measurement: A study of Cooking fuels and Biogas systems in India (defended in 2016)
- Mary Vimochana (Co-supervision) – Environmental Accounting for Oil and gas Resources in India (defended)
- Smita Nirbachita Badajena - Self Help Group Bank Linkage Programme and Financial Inclusion- Empirical Evidence from the Indian Context (Defended in 2017)
- Tamali Chakraborty - Assessing the effect of Operational Special Economic Zones on Environment in India: A Cost Benefit Analysis (status – completed in 2019)
- Rupak Kumar Jha – Vulnerability to Environmental Hazard, The Role of Networks in Coping and Adaptation in Flood Affected Regions (status – completed in 2019)
- Sabu Kottuvayil Thazhakuniyil – Pension System – Problems, Prospects and Reforms (status- advanced stage)
- Dhanyashree Bhuvandas – Welfare Impacts of Removing Diesel Subsidies in India (status - ongoing)
- Nitin Appa Lokhande – Performance Appraisal of Rural Public Works Program in India – the Case of MGNREGS (status - ongoing)
- Deepak Sharma – Competition between Oil Marketing Public Companies (status - ongoing)
- Pranika Das – Feasibility of Biofuel Production in India (status - ongoing)
- Aparajita Singh – Trade and Environment and their linkages with reference to Leather Industry in India (status - ongoing)
- Aditi Samant Singhar – Diversifying Finance Mechanisms for Protected Area Conservation (status - ongoing)
- Devashish Singh
- Urvashi Sirohi
- Professor – (September 2014 till date)
- Associate Professor – Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
(September 2007 to August 2014)
- Associate Professor – Madras School of Economics, Chennai (November 2002 to August 2007)
- Consultant – Madras School of Economics, Chennai (June 1999 to March 2000)
Visiting Positions
- Visiting Professor, Department of Economics and Econometrics, University of Geneva, 15th September to 15th December 2017,
- Visiting Professor, Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto, May to August, 2017
- UGC-DSA fellow to the Department of Business Management, University of Calcutta under the AEGIS of the DSA Phase I programme on Environmental Management in 2013,
- Adjunct Professor, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (2013 and 2014), taught the course Environmental Management
- Visiting Fellow, Institute for Behavioral Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, September 2006 – August 2007
Fellowships Received
- Shastri Indo-Canadian Fellowship, Faculty Institutionalization and Training, 2016-17
- Recipient of the First Sir Partha Dasgupta Fellowship for the year 2010, instituted by SANDEE
- Ratan Tata Fellowship at London School of Economics and Political Science, 2001-02.
- Visiting Scientist Position at The Beijer Institute, The International Institute for Ecological Economics, Stockholm, Sweden from June 2001 to August 2001.
- Post-doctoral fellowship at the Environmental Economics Unit (EEU) Department of Economics and Commercial Law of the University of Göteborg at Göteborg, Sweden from April 2000 to May 2001.
Acted as referee / Reviewer
- Environment and Development Economics (EDE),
- Energy Economics,
- Forest Policy and Economics,
- Canadian journal of Forest Research,
- Journal of Environmental Management
- Ecological Economics
- Economic and Political Weekly
- Current science
High Level Policy Meetings
- (2016), Presented URBIO Declaration at the Convention on Biodiversity – 13th Conference of Parties at Cancun, Mexico
- (2014). Scoping study, IPBES regional assessments, Paris 16th to 22nd August, Paris
- (2014) Invited Panelists at Cities and Biodiversity forum at the Convention on Biodiversity – Conference of Parties Xii at Incheon, Seoul, South Korea
- (2012), Presented Mumbai Declaration at the Convention on Biodiversity – Conference of Parties XI at Hyderabad, a high level meeting involving 160 countries
- (2010), Tenth Convention of Biological Diversity Conference of Parties (a high level ministerial meet (COP10), Nagoya, Japan, 21st October to 26th October 2010 (Invited speaker ).
- (2009) international expert meeting for preparing the report "The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity', 12th to 14th January, Bonn, Germany.
Conference / Workshops Organized
- Sustainable Engineering to Address Food-Energy-Water Nexus: Five-day QIP course conducted at IIT Bombay, December 2019, Course coordinator and co-instructor.
- Organized international Conference on Urban Biodiversity and Climate Change – Mitigation and Adaptation, October 8 – 12, 2012, IIT Bombay.
- International Conference on Urban Biodiversity and Climate Change, October 25 – 27th, 2016, Panama city (as a President of URBIO network)
- International conference on Urban Biodiversity and Climate Change, September 10 – 14th, 2018, Capetown, South Africa (responsibility as President of the URBIO network)
Newspaper Articles/T.V.
- G.S. Haripriya and Vinish Kathuria (2004) "Water for all: Privatization not the solution", The Hindu-Business Line, Chennai, September 29.
- GreenTV Japan, Today's voice,
Institute Committees
- Member – Institute scholarship committee
- Member – Central Library Committee
- Member – Radhika Rajan women leadership committee
- Member - Department Post Graduate Committee
- External Senate Member, NIT Surakalm NIT Tiruchirapalli
- Insitute coordinator – Shastri India Canadian fellowship