- Spatial Aspects of Learning Performance and Efficiency of Primary Education in India. (with Mallika Sinha) Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy. 2025. 18. Available at https://doi.org/10.1007/s12061-024-09617-3 [Springer]
- Intensity of Seasonal Migration and Its Impact on Household Consumption: Analysis of East Indian Villages. (with Ayushi Basoya) Migration and Development. 2024. 13(1). pp. 104-128. Available at https://doi.org/10.1177/21632324241266303 [Sage]
- Overcoming the Learning Disadvantage for the First-Generation Learners: Evidence from Rural India. (with Mallika Sinha). Journal of Social and Economic Development. 2024. (Published online: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40847-024-00334-8 [Springer]
- Regional Disparity and Convergence in Learning among Rural Children: An Analysis of Indian States (with Mallika Sinha). Artha Vijnana. 2023. Vol. LXV, No. 4, pp. 351-373.
- Analyzing Determinants of Remittances with Endogenous Migration Decision: Evidence from India (with Navita) Migration and Development: 2022,
11(1) DOI: 10.1080/21632324.2020.1719692 [Taylor & Francis] - District-level Analysis of Inequality in Malnutrition among Children: Evidence from Maharashtra, India (with Rekha V.) Regional Economic Development Research, 2022,
3(1). : https://doi.org/10.37256/redr.3120221023 - Economic and Political Determinants of Social Sector Expenditures: Evidence from Indian States (with C. Paike) Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies, 2020,
13(2): 188-204. [Taylor & Francis] - Motives behind Remittances: A Comparative Analysis of Single and Multiple-migrant Households in India, (Co-Author: Navita Pal), International Journal of Social Economics, 2019, 46(6). [Emerald] available online at https://doi.org/10.1108/IJSE-09-2018-0444https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/IJSE-09-2018-0444/full/html
- Usage of Formal Financial Services in India: Demand Barriers or Supply Constraints?, (Co-Authors: Abhishek Kumar and Rupayan Pal), Economic Modelling, 2019, 80. [Elsevier] available online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econmod.2018.11.010
- Decomposing Inequality of Opportunity in Immunization by Circumstances: Evidence from India, European Journal of Development Research, 2016, 28(3), pp.431-446. [Palgrave]
- Inequality in Maternal Health Care Utilization in India: A Shapley Decomposition Analysis, Journal of International Development, 2015, 27(7), pp. 1141- 1152. [Wiley]
- Decomposition of Income-related Inequality in Educational Performance: Evidence from India, Journal of Quantitative Economics, 2013, 11(1&2), pp. 180-198.
- Out-of-pocket Health Expenditure: Impact on the Consumption of Indian Households, Oxford Development Studies, 2013, 41(2), pp. 258-279. [Routledge]
- Measuring Incidence of Catastrophic Out-of-pocket Health Expenditure: with Application to India, International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics, 2012, 12(1), pp. 63-85. [Springer]
- Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditure: Pattern, Determinants and Policy Implications, Artha Vijnana, 2010, LII(3), pp. 212-229.
- Determinants of Expenditure on Education: An Empirical Analysis using State Level Data, (Co-Author: A. Chakrabarti), Economic and Political Weekly, 2006, 41(15): 1465 – 1472.
- Inequality of Opportunity in Learning Outcomes for Children in Rural India. (with Mallika Sinha) in Achin Chakraborty and Simantini Mukhopadhyay (eds) Revisiting Inequality: Theoretical and Methodological Advances with Empirical Examples from India [Routledge] (forthcoming).
- Statistics I
- Public Finance
- Health Economics
- Econometrics of Programme Evaluation
- Major Issues in Economic Development
- Applied Econometrics
- Advanced Economic Theory:
Ph.D. Thesis Supervision:
- Navita (134080014) Economic Analysis of Motives behind Migration and Remittances: Evidence from India [Completed, 2020]
- Rekha V. (144083017) A District-level Analysis of Inequalities in Malnutrition and Multidimensional Health Poverty among Children in Maharashtra Coverage [Completed, 2022]
- P. Chandralekha (138080004) Social Sector Expenditure: Determinants, Composition and Effect on Development Indicators [Completed, 2023]
- Mallika Sinha (184080004) Regional Disparity and Unequal Opportunities in Learning [Ongoing]
- Iqbal Naved (2040800092) Parental Investment in Child Education [Ongoing]
- Ayushi Basoya (204088004) Life-style Effects of Migration [Ongoing]
M.Phil. Thesis Supervision:
- Nayan Dave (Roll No. 118080006), Utilization of Institutional Delivery Service in India: Inequality and Determinants [Completed, 2013]
- Chanini Lokho (Roll No. 128080009), Impact Evaluation of Microfinance in Assam: A Case Study from Chhaygaon Block [Completed, 2014]
- Prachi Jayavant Moghe (Roll No. 128080002), Measuring Urban Sustainability for Indian Cities [Completed, 2014]
- Ubaid Mushtaq (Roll No. 138080013) Socio-economic Implications of Internal Migration: A Case Study of Selected Households from Rural Rajasthan [Completed 2015]
- Aquib Parvez (Roll No. 158080014) Educational Transition: A Case Study of Andhra Pradesh [Completed 2017]
- Departmental Excellence in Teaching Award (2023), IIT Bombay
- Young Faculty Award (2012-15), IIT Bombay
- Principle Investigator for ICSSR funded major project titled "Educational Performance of Children in Tribal Clusters of Maharashtra" (January 2024 - January 2026)
- Investigator and PI of Vaccine Preventable Disease (VPD) group in the Project titled "Diseases and Interventions Modelling to Action Group (DIMAG)", (October 2022-March 2024), Sponsoring agency: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, The project shall be extended to 5 years from April 2024.
- Principle Investigator for the Project titled "Inclusive Development in India", (2013-2019), Sponsoring agency: IRCC, IIT Bombay